Move over iPad, Kindle is the new top 'must-have' gadget

Move over iPad, Kindle is the new top 'must-have' gadget
With shoppers beginning to queue outside stores to get started with their Christmas shopping, a website has come out with a list of ‘must-have gadgets’ that will most likely end up being purchased as gifts by people.
Topping the list prepared at the end of an Intersperience survey is Amazon’s Kindle e-reader, which toppled last year’s favourite, the iPad, to an unenviable 6th spot.
“Of those planning to buy a technology present, almost one in four said they are most likely to buy a Kindle or other e-book reader, while only 10% said the iPad was top of their list,” said the Intersperience report.
Mobile and smartphones trail the Kindle device at the second position, with 15 per cent of those surveyed planning to buy one this Christmas as a gift. Around 11 per cent voted for a game console, while another 11 per cent said they would purchase an iPod or an mp3 player.
Another 10 per cent plan to buy a digital camera or a camcorder, according to the survey.


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